As a British Cycling affiliated club, Hafren CC is insured for some of it activities Find out more here

The club also benefits from the cover provided by British Cycling

Visit British Cycling’s  Frequently Asked Question for more information

Is the club run an insured activity?

While the club and/or its officials are covered for the organisation of a club run all participants take part at their own risk and carry a normal responsibility for their own safety and that of others. For this reason, all club members are strongly advised to become a Race Gold, Race Silver or Ride member of British Cycling which provides individual third party (public) liability insurance whilst participating in a club run. It is important to note that a club run is not considered to be a formally led or coached activity.  click here to find out more about the benefits of British Cycling Memberhsip

Is my Bike Insured?

No cover is provided by club insurance should your bike be accidentally damaged or stolen. Your household contents insurance may provide this cover

Members are advised to take their own insurance through British Cycling Membership and to consider insuring their bikes through home insurance or specialist bike insurance. It is worth noting that Event Insurance is not usually standard on such policies


Events organized by the club are under the auspices of either British Cycling or Cycling Time Trials and are insured by the relevant governing body

British Cycling Event Insurance
