Location: Blist Hill Victorian Town, Telford

Date: 31 August 2013

Nick’s Account …

Well what a fantastic setting for my first cross of the season … well my first cross ever. Taking place in the historic setting of Ironbridge Gorge the race was centred on an old Victorian town which is a local tourist attraction.

There was a mass start of 80 plus riders on the main high street before twisting through old buildings and court yards before heading down to the finish area. This had its own fun fair which was full of families enjoying the racing with their children. Chip’s, beer and hotdogs were a plenty and I would have been in my element had I not been racing.

Well the seniors went off first or Hooligans as they were categorised on the night followed by the vet’s or Gentlemen. Off went the Hooligans including Paul whilst I waited a couple of minutes for the off with the rest of my fellow gentlemen.

What can I say … the start of a cross race is like the end of a road race … bang went the starters gun and we were sprinting full bore down the high street into the first corner, brakes squealing, tyres skidding people cursing I’m sure you get the picture.

The next 50 mins are best described as the most enjoyable pain you can have on a bike this course had it all, steep hills even steeper descents, fast gravel sections, switch – backs even steps to ride down and archways to ride through and I loved every minute of it.

The thing with cross is you’re never on your own, you are always racing someone because the courses are so short and technical you always feel in the mix and all the guys are friendly and make you feel welcome.

There were loads of people spectating at this event and if not racing it would have still been a good night out and certainly one to look at in the future.

I can’t wait to have a go again next year and roll on my next cross which is at Shrewsbury on the 15th September and it would be good to see some familiar faces. You don’t have to have a cross bike MTB’s are acceptable and in fact used by a lot of riders.

Paul’s Account …

This was my second cyclocross race so I thought I knew what to expect, my first race being in a farmer’s field near Talgarth and very much a wet muddy affair.

This race was something else on a hard and fast course, as soon as the gun went it was maximum effort for the next 50mins.  It was a hard but fun 50mins and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  There were plenty of spectators all around the course cheering you on which helped to keep you going.

The kids really enjoyed the venue and the racing alike which I was surprised by and the wives were chilling in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Cyclocross is on short circuits and spectators can usually see large parts of the course from one place, so good for the whole family, and makes for a good experience.

It was great to see Hafren CC once again being represented in a competitive cycling event.  Others should definitely give it a go … if you like road racing and mountain biking … then you will love cyclocross … bring on the rest of the season.