TrainingIn our commitment to encourage and promote Women’s cycling the club is pleased to announce a series of Women Only Coaching Sessions at Sundorne Cycle Circuit which is at the Shrewsbury Sports Village.

The first session is on 10th October and 2 further sessions will be arranged in the Spring, dates to be announced. These are fully funded sessions, so you get to ride for free.

The minimum age for riders at these events is 16 years.

We recommend a road bike or bike with road specific tyres as this will greatly enhance your enjoyment of the session and riding experience on this circuit.

We have booked the services of Martyn Frank who is probably the most qualified coach locally . Also in response to feedback from women riders we will employ the services of a female coach as well.

The closed, traffic free circuit will be exclusively available to Hafren CC during these sessions, although you don’t need to be a Hafren CC member to take part and can participate as a guest of the club.

Please visit the Hafren Cycling Club Facebook page and register your interest by adding a comment to the post that advertises the event. This will enable us to gauge numbers we should expect and ensure we are fully prepared to meet everyone’s needs.

The first session will be made up of 30 minutes warm up and circuit familiarization, then 2 hours coaching and followed by 30 minutes to practice your newly found skills..

The series has been organized by Club Chairman Rob Finch in consultation with Jackie Harris our Women’s ride coordinator and local Breeze Champion.

Rob writes on Facebook:-

“Here’s one for the diary for any women cyclists (aged 16 years and above) out there who are interested in either learning new skills or simply brushing up on some old ones.

This session will look to build cycling skills and confidence and is open to ALL abilities and will be run by two fully qualified cycle coaches on behalf of Hafren Cycling Club.
Sundorne circuit provides a safe and traffic free environment, so it’s a great place to practice group riding, cornering techniques, sharing pace and will we’re sure provide lots of other great tips on how to get the best from riding your bike.

Please let us know if you’re interested so we get some idea on numbers (this also ensures we have enough tea and cake on the day too!!)

We are looking to promote a couple of sessions in the Spring as well, so look out for further news once we’ve booked the dates and coaches.

NB. You don’t need to be a Hafren Cycling Club member to get involved, however the circuit has been booked for the exclusive use of Hafren CC members and their guests.”